| 威尼斯設計週 Venice Design Week
| 展覽時間:二零二一,十月九號至十七號 | 展覽地點:威尼斯城,義大利
| 入選展品:Shiau Atelier – Classic Beauty Collection, Loafer Shoes Design.
很高興在去年2021年入選每年在威尼斯舉辦的設計盛事 「#威尼斯設計週 Venice Design Week」,加入「Pixel City」計劃。威尼斯同佛羅倫斯是義大利的幾大著名古城之一,有著豐富的人文文化及截然不同的藝術風格。威尼斯的浪漫從水而生,波光粼粼的水波旁是貢多拉Gondola小船與各個別具特色的島嶼,島嶼上佇立著文化融合的特色古建築。威尼斯同樣以其建築及藝術聞名,而威尼斯設計週就是在這樣的環境中誕生...
Pixel City 是一場數位形式的展演。它結合了最新的AR技術,今年從米蘭設計週一路延伸到水都威尼斯,而我的設計作品被展示在古威尼斯鞋匠遺跡 Campo San Tomà。我們看見這兩年數位與時尚爆炸性的結合,更好奇新舊傳統能夠擦出什麼樣的火花。手工製作出來的鞋子,Pixel City 用數位形式突破了空間限制。很幸運地,自己被選入搭上了這班列車,得以在遙遠的距離參與盛會。
CLASSIC BEAUTY – Hand-welted Loafer shoes
Classic Beauty is a collection that calls for culture sustainability. It was inspired by the beauty of Renaissance heritage in Florence, Italy, where designer Shiau captured the moment, the people, vibes and colors during her stay in this romantic city and yet, transforming it into her pieces of work.
The artist combined different materials, colors, techniques and constructions to reopen the dialogue of arts and crafts into shoes.
This Hand-welted Loafer shoes design was another creation of elegancy inside the collection of Classic Beauty. You can see this loafer using masculine style, dress shoes, however the line and details focus on a more feminine look. The idea was to break, or you can say, playing around the elements that blur the line of gender by creative approach.
For the technical part, this design use stitch-down construction, where the upper part of the shoe was reversed out and then hand stitched down with the leather shoe sole. The upper was designed in two-tone colors, to reflex the combination of classic back to old good time…
Curator | DOS Design Open Spaces srl, Venice Design Week
Design | Shiau Atelier
3D construct | Liao Pai Hsien
AR filter | Venice Design Week